To dismantle the international agenda by reigniting and unifying European strength, courage and spirit.
Through cultural activism and by promoting and empowering individuals and communities, based on traditional European morals and values, to remove the power this current system has over the Australian people.

Polaris is a fixed symbol in the constellations of the night sky, representing the ever-present beacon of truth and unity. It has been a true and comforting guiding light home for as long as history has been recorded. A constant in navigation for those who are lost, Europeans have used this shining light throughout the ages in their endeavours and explorations.
The Australian Sovereignty Alliance flag represents guidance, stability and tradition, paying homage to the duality of existence and the nuclear family, which has proven to be the greatest human unit not only for survival, but also in order to build great nations of which Europeans have pioneered. Great civilisations and empires; we have given the world poetry, architecture, mathematics among a plethora of many innovative inventions on our never-ending quest to self-mastery and the cultivation of everything good.

Do not allow history repeat.
Know the truth.
Save our Nation.
Oswald Mosley
Oswald Mosley - Europeans (2016)
Duration: 1.2 hours
Much of the inspiration behind Australian Sovereignty Alliance comes from Oswald Mosley's legacy.
Mosley saw through the corruption and deceit of the British Government soon after becoming the youngest member ever within the House of Commons. He started a people's movement in order to reinvent the parliamentary system so that the will of the British people was carried out.
Learn from and find your inspiration from the man who came the closest in returning true power to the people since the establishment of the international feudal system.
Cultural Marxism in Australia
We are witnessing extreme left Cultural Marxist ideology within Australia today. Even the "freedom movement" are pushing Aboriginal Lore as the only way forward, idolising Aboriginals and their culture as a kind of pure, ultra spiritual race founded on peace and that they alone hold true ownership of and sovereignty within Australia. There are groups, OSTF for example, that have called for the UN to step in and remove the rights of the Europeans who have built Australia up to what we all know and love today.
There were over 500 warring Aboriginal tribes who occupied territories each with a number of separate clans and languages. Unlike the message we get today that they were peaceful and united. This warring is still happening today, with ongoing disputes over land and financial gain.
Why are people calling to go back to such a divided culture?
This is the influence of another force.
What we are actually witnessing is the weaponisation of Aboriginals by a communist, international agenda that has been at play for generations.

Take some time to watch this short documentary and personal account - a serious warning from the past on the manipulation of Aboriginal affairs in Australia - and make up your own mind.
Duration - 1h